ninjawil: God is simple, without composition of parts, such as body and soul, or matter and form
ninjawil: Piran Skyline
ninjawil: I loved not yet, yet I loved to love, and out of a deep-seated want, I hated myself for wanting not
ninjawil: Don't hang out your dirty washing
ninjawil: Harrowing of Hell
ninjawil: Fascism is not an article for export.
ninjawil: Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy.
ninjawil: Boats
ninjawil: Conceptualization of the abode of the dead
ninjawil: The forty-two witnesses at the canonization trial had little to report concerning extraordinary acts of penance, sensational deeds, and mortifications.
ninjawil: Despairing have given themselves up to lasciviousness, unto the working of all uncleanness, unto covetousness.
ninjawil: The unity of God is such that God's essence is the same as God's existence.
ninjawil: The life of certain pestiferous men is an impediment to the common good which is the concord of human society. Therefore, certain men must be removed by death from the society of men
ninjawil: Any movement in history which attempts to perpetuate itself, becomes reactionary
ninjawil: "We study and take as an example the Soviet system, but we are developing socialism in our country in somewhat different forms"
ninjawil: Manifestation of the socialist order
ninjawil: The economic transition
ninjawil: The outcome
ninjawil: The plight of the proletariat as expressed in form
ninjawil: the right to refuse allegiance to, or to resist, the government when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable
ninjawil: Travelling at the speed of light
ninjawil: capitulation
ninjawil: chronologically unstable
ninjawil: More dull photos of ugly buildings
ninjawil: The concupiscence of reproduction
ninjawil: Propagated by stain and quasi-personal guilt
ninjawil: Alone once again
ninjawil: Lets go!
ninjawil: Show your world to me