ninjapoodles: While I was trying to figure out what kind of tongue stud she had or whether that was just a tooth
ninjapoodles: thoughtful Amy Sedaris
ninjapoodles: AMY SEDARIS
ninjapoodles: we would get this look anytime anyone spoke computer or internet lingo
ninjapoodles: Wanted to take her home with me
ninjapoodles: She was just the best
ninjapoodles: Amy Sedaris
ninjapoodles: someone probably just used the term HTML or something
ninjapoodles: the gestures keep on coming
ninjapoodles: Totally worth the price of admission
ninjapoodles: just look to the right of the frame to see the effect she was having on the entire room
ninjapoodles: wishing my eyebrows worked like that
ninjapoodles: more faces than anybody
ninjapoodles: three quarter angle
ninjapoodles: Amy again, and I am not a stalkerfan
ninjapoodles: Amy in profile
ninjapoodles: The panelist who made me want to bake cupcakes
ninjapoodles: You have to be supremely cute to pull this off
ninjapoodles: Amy Sedaris just being freaking adorable
ninjapoodles: Amy explains how to use her homemade, uh, bean-and-pantyhose-with-googly-eyes "eye burrito"
ninjapoodles: Amy Sedaris explains the construction of the Land O' Lakes Boobie-Squaw
ninjapoodles: Amy Sedaris' crafting tacklebox
ninjapoodles: That's right, it's a fake cake
ninjapoodles: Amy Sedaris with awesome skirt
ninjapoodles: buy this book
ninjapoodles: I love how the title page is already in past tense