Ninian D: Children Desperately Try To Escape The Smog By Rocket, But To No Avail.
Ninian D: Lots Of Energy Going Places
Ninian D: Famous Dumplings Served
Ninian D: "I'm Off To The Shops, Need Anything?"
Ninian D: Shanghai Has Televisions The Size Of Buildings Showing Nature Documentries Throughout the Night. They've Gone Mad. They Really Have.
Ninian D: All The Beautiful Green leaves hide The Smog Ridden City Behind Them.
Ninian D: Old Man And Wife Under Tree Relax As Old Style Boat Passess
Ninian D: Patrick's Enthusiasm In Trying To Pronounce Chinese Correctly Ended Up A Bit Racist. Laughs All Round Though.
Ninian D: Chillin. Obviously.
Ninian D: Mongoshan
Ninian D: bamboo being bamboo
Ninian D: Mongoshan
Ninian D: Cover of "Sincerity By Alex Mahan" By Alex Mahan
Ninian D: Back Cover of "Sincerity By Alex Mahan" By Alex Mahan
Ninian D: And Just Like That Patrick Escaped To His Secret Undergound Lair
Ninian D: Communism Is Working Out Great. Just Great.
Ninian D: Slide Film Makes Me The Biggest Nerd. So Good Though. So Good.
Ninian D: ManCrush Skateboards Is Delighted To Present Our Latest Pro Rider.
Ninian D: Walking Machine (Guy In Background Was Amazing At This. Eyes Closed And Hands Behind His Back = Pro Moves)
Ninian D: Bamboo Juice?
Ninian D: Inexplicably Jockey Hat Fashion Statement At Shanghai Market.
Ninian D: Some People Just Effortlessly Have More Style Than You'll Ever Have. It's Ok. Just Accept It. And Then Take Photos Of Them.
Ninian D: Flats In Shanghai