Niniel: cata and I
Niniel: playing
Niniel: me and the baby
Niniel: smile!!
Niniel: friends!
Niniel: friends
Niniel: me by someone else
Niniel: huh?
Niniel: hey baby
Niniel: the dog
Niniel: congratulations
Niniel: and finally...
Niniel: it was a good experience...
Niniel: and the show goes on
Niniel: just finished...
Niniel: Myself speaking
Niniel: so there we are
Niniel: andrea speaking
Niniel: it's our time
Niniel: just before our presentation
Niniel: hmmmm
Niniel: The pic I love the most
Niniel: students looking like teachers
Niniel: voila!
Niniel: the last step
Niniel: mwahahah
Niniel: transforming her
Niniel: the wedding pic
Niniel: dressed to present
Niniel: before my presentation