ninefish: boogie boards
ninefish: four boogie boards
ninefish: two views; to the city and...
ninefish: two views; to the beach and...
ninefish: the colour of the sky in canterbury
ninefish: henny snoozes
ninefish: another sun worshipper falls to sleep
ninefish: eliot
ninefish: how did we get sunburned?
ninefish: india
ninefish: scuba diving in the bath
ninefish: hot boy on the beach
ninefish: eliot-surf bum in training
ninefish: clouds over the neighbour's fence
ninefish: a crab got me and bit my finger
ninefish: IMG_0019.JPG
ninefish: the beach director's chair
ninefish: henny's pav yum
ninefish: India and the nor west arch
ninefish: henny making pav
ninefish: eliot and hannah listen
ninefish: IMG_0008.JPG
ninefish: Grey clouds
ninefish: IMG_0012.JPG
ninefish: IMG_0042.JPG
ninefish: IMG_0037.JPG
ninefish: IMG_0054.JPG
ninefish: IMG_0048.JPG
ninefish: IMG_0046.JPG
ninefish: IMG_0044.JPG