xopherlance: awaiting our food at Mum Aroi in Pattaya
xopherlance: Pattaya restaurant
xopherlance: Hap De Nous menu!
xopherlance: Black Sheep
xopherlance: Bangkok Reflection
xopherlance: tuk tuk
xopherlance: buddhist nuns
xopherlance: Loy Krathong Festival, Bangkok
xopherlance: HwaHwa's friend Wendy in Bangkok
xopherlance: Ying's friends @ Nang Kwak
xopherlance: one night in bangkok
xopherlance: street view
xopherlance: downstairs at Nang Kwak, Bangkok
xopherlance: Sawat dee khap, Ronald
xopherlance: Toifu @ Ka-nom fashion bakery
xopherlance: Three-headed elephant; outside Bangkok
xopherlance: Sleepying
xopherlance: Ying in Bangkok
xopherlance: Ying on the Chao Praya River
xopherlance: The Churning of the Ocean of Milk
xopherlance: Deva, not Diva