xopherlance: September 11, 2005
xopherlance: The mermaid fountain
xopherlance: Wires in Antigua
xopherlance: el Volcán San Pédro
xopherlance: dock, lake, volcano; Lake Atitlán, Guatemala
xopherlance: Volcano & Lake Atitlan
xopherlance: El Volcán San Pédro
xopherlance: Reyna Guadalupe and two of her friends
xopherlance: Reyna Guadalupe; Panajachel, Guatemala
xopherlance: Kaqchikel Mayan woman; Panajachel, Guatemala
xopherlance: I gave her 3 Quetzales to sit for this shot.
xopherlance: the Mayan Indigenita in Panajachel
xopherlance: Jesucristo mi dios
xopherlance: Mayan man wearing the traje
xopherlance: Mayan children in Santiago Atitlán
xopherlance: Two Tzutujil Maya girls
xopherlance: Swimmers in Lake Atitlán, Guatemala
xopherlance: One last look back, Lake Atitlán
xopherlance: Beware of Cocodrilos
xopherlance: Temple I, a.k.a. the Jaguar Temple
xopherlance: Are you nerd enough?
xopherlance: No Estacionar
xopherlance: From the office window