xopherlance: Praying mantis on Chicago sky
xopherlance: The Drawing Room
xopherlance: Joigny Street
xopherlance: Joigny street lantern, Bourgogne, France
xopherlance: La Porte du Boise, Joigny
xopherlance: Bid Roy, brown man of Folkestone
xopherlance: Joigny Vineyards
xopherlance: Do Not Anger the Gods
xopherlance: Sunset over Joigny
xopherlance: Nave and choir, Pontigny Abbey; France
xopherlance: North aisle and transept of Pontigny Abbey
xopherlance: Groin vaulting and clerestory; Pontigny Abbey
xopherlance: Our daily bread
xopherlance: Judes/Fleurs
xopherlance: Nazie/Tomates ancienne
xopherlance: Drinking Burgundy red and Kir in the afternoon
xopherlance: Me, still eating
xopherlance: Chairs in the nave; Sens, France
xopherlance: Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Sens
xopherlance: Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Sens; Burgundy, France
xopherlance: Yonne River; Sens, Burgundy
xopherlance: Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Auxerre
xopherlance: Auxerre Clock Tower
xopherlance: La Poste; Auxerre, France
xopherlance: Auxerre and banks of the Yonne, Burgundy
xopherlance: "The Mystic Mill"
xopherlance: Looking from the narthex down the nave
xopherlance: The view of Burgundy from Vézelay
xopherlance: The abbey at Vézelay; Burgundy, France
xopherlance: Ancient chapel