NinaW: looks like the moon
NinaW: reflection
NinaW: Me
NinaW: Best plums in the world
NinaW: Hemnekjølen
NinaW: vannlilje
NinaW: grass on water
NinaW: the dock
NinaW: up side down
NinaW: autumn
NinaW: serenity
NinaW: silence
NinaW: Boat
NinaW: Eyes on wood
NinaW: the cones
NinaW: Mushroompicking
NinaW: Seagulls
NinaW: boat and sea and waves 2
NinaW: boat and sea and waves
NinaW: the ripples
NinaW: Home
NinaW: Kiss
NinaW: Løvetann
NinaW: Suppe