ninavizz: Best comb-over
ninavizz: Ahoj, crane!
ninavizz: Here! Not THERE!!!
ninavizz: Getting out of the way- do de do...
ninavizz: Bikes rulin' the land here!!
ninavizz: Tool rental
ninavizz: Greg Jones under quarentine
ninavizz: Cool sign in warehouse
ninavizz: Warehouse workspace
ninavizz: Arty inside heater shot
ninavizz: Apathy, baby!
ninavizz: Christian embracing the "Safety 3rd" mantra
ninavizz: Yum, yum, yummy!
ninavizz: Tweedle-Mark and tweedle-Mike
ninavizz: Babalou
ninavizz: Ferry to wharf area
ninavizz: Doors to our workspace
ninavizz: Mark galavants
ninavizz: Liam helping to unload an auger-bit that'll serve as a decorative sign thingy, for the event (not our schtick, theirs)
ninavizz: East German propaganda-mobile, turned SRL "crew lounge" for the duration of production
ninavizz: And she's buuuuying a sca-fol-ding, to heav-uh-un...
ninavizz: Christian poses
ninavizz: Warehouse Workspace
ninavizz: Cool rusty pipes, clouds
ninavizz: Cutest little car, evah
ninavizz: Unloading
ninavizz: Pigeon-dookie to bring into the lounge, with you?
ninavizz: Unloading scrap
ninavizz: Mike strolls, Baba trolls