n!nushka: Sunset
n!nushka: Mountain sunset
n!nushka: Dry landsape in Mt Kosciuszko National Park
n!nushka: More surreal looking trees inside one of the dams
n!nushka: Surreal looking trees inside one of the dams
n!nushka: Surreal looking trees inside one of the dams
n!nushka: Surreal looking trees inside one of the dams
n!nushka: Dry landsape in Mt Kosciuszko National Park
n!nushka: Dried out dams in the national park
n!nushka: Dams in Mt Kosciuszko National Park
n!nushka: Dams in Mt Kosciuszko National Park
n!nushka: Dry landsape in Mt Kosciuszko National Park
n!nushka: Victorian landscape
n!nushka: Road fence
n!nushka: Another cool bridge in the vicinity of Melbourne
n!nushka: Road fence
n!nushka: More electricity transmission poles
n!nushka: Red beams over the bridge
n!nushka: The bridge
n!nushka: The bridge
n!nushka: The bridge
n!nushka: Industrial Melbourne outskirts
n!nushka: Industrial Melbourne outskirts
n!nushka: Leaving Melbourne
n!nushka: Industrial Melbourne outskirts
n!nushka: Giant electricity transmission pole
n!nushka: Leaving Melbourne
n!nushka: Good dog
n!nushka: Eats watermelon
n!nushka: Good dog