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Founders Day - East Tilbury by Nina Pope
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Nina Pope
Founder's Day East Tilbury
Nina Pope
Founder's Day East Tilbury
Nina Pope
Founder's Day East Tilbury
Nina Pope
Founder's Day East Tilbury
Nina Pope
Founder's Day - Tomas Bata's Great Grandson
Nina Pope
Founder's Day East Tilbury
Nina Pope
Founder's Day East Tilbury
Nina Pope
Founder's Day East Tilbury photo opp.
Nina Pope
Lovely shoe wreath
Nina Pope
Founder's Day East Tilbury - Tomas & wreath
Nina Pope
From the plane crash
Nina Pope
Bata Avenue boat
Nina Pope
Bata Avenue
Nina Pope
Bata Avenue
Nina Pope
Bata Avenue
Nina Pope
Bata Avenue
Nina Pope
Bata Avenue
Nina Pope
Bata Avenue
Nina Pope
Carnations Bata Avenue
Nina Pope
Carnations Bata Avenue
Nina Pope
Bata Avenue skip
Nina Pope
Bata Avenue
Nina Pope
Bata Avenue
Nina Pope
Bata Avenue & my bike!
Nina Pope
Bata Avenue
Nina Pope
Mike at Founders Day 2012
Nina Pope
Founders Day 2012
Nina Pope
TB's statue on the projector stand!