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Abbey Gardens - The Big Lunch by Nina Pope
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Nina Pope
Flowers the night before ...
Nina Pope
Salad Harvest!
Nina Pope
What Will The Harvest Be?
Nina Pope
What Will The Harvest Be?
Nina Pope
The Big Lunch - Abbey Gardens
Nina Pope
Tim mulches - reluctantly!
Nina Pope
Karen washes salad from the garden
Nina Pope
Flowers - from Nina's allotment
Nina Pope
The Big Lunch - Abbey Gardens
Nina Pope
Louis & Lucy make Tim's webcam title
Nina Pope
Louis & Lucy make Tim's webcam title
Nina Pope
Louis & Lucy make Tim's webcam title
Nina Pope
The Big Lunch - Abbey Gardens - The big dirt pile
Nina Pope
The Big Lunch - Abbey Gardens
Nina Pope
Nina Pope
The Big Lunch - Abbey Gardens
Nina Pope
Lydia's strawberry tarts
Nina Pope
Summer pudding leak
Nina Pope
The Big Lunch - Abbey Gardens
Nina Pope
The Big Lunch - Abbey Gardens
Nina Pope
Brothers Bar-b-que
Nina Pope
The Big Lunch - Abbey Gardens
Nina Pope
The Big Lunch - Abbey Gardens
Nina Pope
The Big Lunch - Abbey Gardens
Nina Pope
Our Local Councillors!
Nina Pope
Pudding to beat all others!
Nina Pope
Karen's summer pudding
Nina Pope
Water melon
Nina Pope
Swwet peas & seed heads
Nina Pope
End of the day
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