Phil Marion (235 million views - THANKS): Pre-sunrise view of the Leuty
Phil Marion (235 million views - THANKS): -17° C temps BEFORE the wind chill factor. I was greeted to sea smoke over the frigid waters of Lake Ontario.
Phil Marion (235 million views - THANKS): Fiery sunrise over the Leuty Lifeguard Station - Kew Beach
wil.leurs333: Common Yellow Swallowtail, Papilio machaon
wil.leurs333: Damon Blue, Polyommatus damon
wil.leurs333: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary; Boloria selene
wil.leurs333: Berger's Clouded Yellow, Colias alfacariensis
wil.leurs333: Cutter
wil.leurs333: Mill on Texel Netherlands
wil.leurs333: Colchicum montanum
Jnzl's Photos: River canal reflecting yellow building and sky
Jnzl's Photos: Slipper orchid
Jnzl's Photos: Oil drilling platform at Pasir Gudang
photobepi: White mallard
photobepi: Love!
photobepi: Flying...
photobepi: Kingfisher
Cog2012: DSC_5252
Cog2012: DSC_5654
Larry Griffiths: Australian White Ibis in flight
ferrand-michelle: Grand cormoran
ferrand-michelle: Mouettes mélanocéphales (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus)
ferrand-michelle: Mouettes rieuses (chroicocephalus ridibundus)
ferrand-michelle: Héron cendré (Ardea cinerea)
ferrand-michelle: Grand cormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo)
ferrand-michelle: Grandes aigrettes (Ardea alba)
Steve Arena: Night - American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)
Steve Arena: Bronze-winged Jacana (Metopidius indicus)
Steve Arena: Sunset - Anahuac NWR