nimbus55: The Ryokan...beautiful setting
nimbus55: The Ryokan in the mountains...
nimbus55: Ryokan
nimbus55: Ryokan greeting commitee
nimbus55: or possibly dinner...
nimbus55: Stone lantern
nimbus55: Ryokan garden
nimbus55: Spring
nimbus55: Sunflowers at the Ryokan...
nimbus55: Lilies
nimbus55: Ryokan summer kitchen
nimbus55: Ryokan, onsen and the boys' house
nimbus55: My bedroom
nimbus55: My bedroom
nimbus55: Monsoon!
nimbus55: Monsoon!
nimbus55: The road to the summit
nimbus55: Abandon hope...
nimbus55: Abandon hope - detail
nimbus55: Wreaking havoc...sigh...
nimbus55: Young forest
nimbus55: Tranquility incarnate...
nimbus55: Have we found satori?
nimbus55: Brian in sunlight
nimbus55: Japanese Alps
nimbus55: Volcanic peak
nimbus55: Peaked...
nimbus55: Mountains
nimbus55: Japanese jungle!
nimbus55: Mist enshrouded...