Nimbus20: IMG_20200222_201129291_HDR
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Nimbus20: IMG_20200228_183410685_HDR
Nimbus20: IMG_20200302_112823706_HDR
Nimbus20: IMG_20200307_110235282_HDR
Nimbus20: IMG_20200307_110335019_HDR
Nimbus20: IMG_20200307_110514363_HDR
Nimbus20: IMG_20200310_205414670
Nimbus20: IMG_20200310_224236904
Nimbus20: IMG_20200310_224345284
Nimbus20: IMG_20200315_182224264
Nimbus20: IMG_20200315_192404021
Nimbus20: IMG_20200316_193154921
Nimbus20: IMG_20200316_200453478
Nimbus20: IMG_20200316_201819643
Nimbus20: IMG_20200319_182903683_HDR
Nimbus20: IMG_20200319_183138097
Nimbus20: IMG_20200320_165728304
Nimbus20: IMG_20200320_181800758
Nimbus20: IMG_20200320_182514250
Nimbus20: IMG_20200320_201305543
Nimbus20: Interior green to masked cockpit area.
Nimbus20: Two light coats of Halfords primer and smoothed down
Nimbus20: Alclad aluminium sprayed over the "metal" areas.
Nimbus20: Applying a thin layer of ZCP primer colour
Nimbus20: Primer layer smoothed and distressed slightly
Nimbus20: Practicing wear through on old GUV coach roof. Primer sanded away to inner layer...
Nimbus20: Metal areas masked... ready for some dope red to cover the rest
Nimbus20: Primer and dope layers added
Nimbus20: Undersides and props with first Paint