Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_6793 -- White-faced whistling duck, squared
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_6778 -- White-faced whistling duck, in the sun, with reflections, squared
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_6764 -- White-faced whistling ducks in circles, squared
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_6760 -- White-faced whistling duck, looking upwards
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_6744 -- White-faced whistling duck, looking to the right -- 1001
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_6741 -- White-faced whistling duck, standing in the water
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_6736 -- White-faced whistling duck, in the water, looking to the right
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_4934 -- Two White-Faced Whistling Ducks, one of them shaking
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_4920 -- White-Faced Whistling Duck on one leg, looking backwards
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_4904 -- Three White-Faced Whistling Ducks looking at the lake
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_4893 -- Head of a White-Faced Whistling Duck
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_4885 -- Head of a White-Faced Whistling Duck
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_4882 -- Head of a White-Faced Whistling Duck
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2135 -- White-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2131 -- Four male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2125 -- Four male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2118 -- Four reflecting male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2114 -- Four male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2097 -- Two male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2094 -- Four male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2093 -- Male white-faced whistling duck
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2093 -- Four male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2084 -- Four reflecting male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2083 -- Two reflecting male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2081 -- Two male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2080 -- Three male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2077 -- Two male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2068 -- Two male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2067 -- Two male white-faced whistling ducks
Nils Axel Braathen: IMG_2067 -- Male white-faced whistling duck