杲 くま: Jinashi shojinashi tatami-ari
linocutboy: My desk @resortstudios
杲 くま: 春日大社 - 2015秋 - 47
杲 くま: 薬師寺 - 2015秋 - 23
杲 くま: Soleil à l'est, soleil à l'ouest
杲 くま: Les ramen du cœur
杲 くま: Number ten de ce soir
linocutboy: Miniature linocut of an ink roller for my book #linocut #illustration #thumbnail #print #miniprint
linocutboy: Salt aquatint #helloprintstudio #printmaking #saltaquatint #etching #margate
fujijardins: Baptême du thé (pour mon chashaku) avec les copains. / Tea baptism ( for my chashaku) with buddies.
杲 くま: Techsupport 01
fujijardins: Nakabashira
杲 くま: Solithé perles de jade
杲 くま: Forge de Katana, Manigod, 24 août 2015, 21h
In Memoriam: the orange turtle: 20mar15 "little one"
杲 くま: Kendô - passage de dan 2015 - 12
linocutboy: Locked in wooden type #letterpress #helloprintstudio #margate #typography #printing
linocutboy: 3 block linocut with jigsaw moon by @lucycooper1 made today at Hello Print Studio #Margate #linocut #trees #landscape #moon #multiblock
杲 くま: 名古屋, 徳川美術館, 志野流, 名香鑑賞会 05/2015 - 87
fujijardins: Tentative de chabana #150507 // Chabana attempt #150507
linocutboy: Colour test #blue #cowboy #linocut #screenprint #printmaking
fujijardins: Nouveau yotsumegaki en cours / New yotsumegaki in progress...
fujijardins: Chagama en argile réalisé par Laetitia Pineda / Chagama made with clay by Laetita Pineda
杲 くま: Kendô - passage de dan 2015 - 11
杲 くま: 曽和博朗90歳お誕生日会 - 07
杲 くま: 曽和博朗90歳お誕生日会 - 59
杲 くま: 曽和博朗90歳お誕生日会 - 29
杲 くま: 曽和博朗90歳お誕生日会 - 61