Nikon Europe:
The Glass Ball Project | Andrius' First Stop: Shooting at a Castle in Seville
Nikon Europe:
The Glass Ball Project | Seville Photoshoot: The Result!
Nikon Europe:
The Glass Ball Project | Next Stop: Museo de las Ciencias Príncipe Felipe in Valencia
Nikon Europe:
The Glass Ball Project | And the final shot!
Nikon Europe:
The Glass Ball Project | Andrius' girlfriend Eglé helps out in Seville
Nikon Europe:
The Glass Ball Project | What you see....
Nikon Europe:
The Glass Ball Project | And what Andrius saw!
Nikon Europe:
The Glass Ball Project | The trip ends with an exhibition of The Glass Ball Project
Nikon Europe:
The Glass Ball Project | Andrius explains how he captures a shot
Nikon Europe:
The Glass Ball Project | Andrius & Eglé share a hug at the end of the night