Janet Marshall LRPS:
Bateleur Eagle
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Indian Runner Ducks
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Rewarding titbit
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Tawny Eagle
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Striated Caracara
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Is this an arty abstract shot of a black kite feeding on the wing?
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Frodo - tawny eagle
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Frodo - tawny eagle
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Davy Jones
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Death to snakes!
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Frodo just before take-off
Janet Marshall LRPS:
African Yellow-Billed Kite
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Cheyenne (or maybe it was Danebury ...)
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Snowy Owl
Janet Marshall LRPS:
African Fish Eagle
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Lucy the Harris Hawk
Janet Marshall LRPS:
African Fish Eagle
Janet Marshall LRPS:
American Bald Eagle
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Davy Jones
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Heading home
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Striated Caracara with attitude!
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Amber eyes, gossamer trousers
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Enigmatic Eagle Owl
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Cheyenne shouting
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Basking Bateleur
Janet Marshall LRPS:
African Fish Eagle fishing
Janet Marshall LRPS:
GGO coming right at you!
Janet Marshall LRPS:
Reach for the skies!
Janet Marshall LRPS: