Walter Phillips:
New Holland Honeyeater
Walter Phillips:
Peacock at Hauz Khas-3
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Superb Fairy Wren-2
Walter Phillips:
Walter Phillips:
Walter Phillips:
Walter Phillips:
Walter Phillips:
Walter Phillips:
Walter Phillips:
Rainbow Lorikeet
Walter Phillips:
Two Kookaburras
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Nankeen Kestrel
Walter Phillips:
Buff banded Rail
Walter Phillips:
Red Browed Finch at Healesville Sanctuary
Walter Phillips:
Walter Phillips:
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
Walter Phillips:
Male Red Rumped Parrot
Walter Phillips:
Pied Stilts
Walter Phillips:
A flock of Pink Eared Ducks take flight
Walter Phillips:
White Fronted Chat
Walter Phillips:
Arctic Tern Sterna Paradiseae
Walter Phillips:
A Squadron of Black Swans flying right towards me
Walter Phillips:
Blackfaced Cuckooshrike - Coracina Novaehollandiae
Walter Phillips:
Face off between one cormorant and two pelicans
Walter Phillips:
Crimson Rosella
Walter Phillips:
Dusky Woodswallow - Artamus Cyanopterus
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White browed Scrubwren
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Pink Eared Ducks
Walter Phillips:
Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo (female) Calyptorhynchus Banksii
Walter Phillips:
Magpie Goose - Anseranas Semipalmata