Niko Miguel: 'till somebody gets hurt . . .
Niko Miguel: Scott . . .eyeing me . . .wait WHOAAAT???!!!
Niko Miguel: Scott eyeing . . . Josette of course . . .
Niko Miguel: Dancing Ladies in the rain . . .
Niko Miguel: Rain or Shine . . . I want my Beer and Photo!!!
Niko Miguel: a flickr meet is not complete without "shooting" each other
Niko Miguel: Bride for a day . . .
Niko Miguel: Confusion
Niko Miguel: the X-Files FLICKR/STROBIST Style
Niko Miguel: I Don't know what he sees . . . but it must be good . . .
Niko Miguel: Samuel James
Niko Miguel: Crossover
Niko Miguel: Nyarp!!!
Niko Miguel: Capo, la mano y la guitarra
Niko Miguel: Rescue Me!
Niko Miguel: The BLUES!!!
Niko Miguel: Emotions
Niko Miguel: The BLUES in between
Niko Miguel: Saving Lives since 1973
Niko Miguel: Eleanor
Niko Miguel: Man U!!!
Niko Miguel: Jr. Brown
Niko Miguel: Wanted Dead or Alive!
Niko Miguel: Western Classic Stick-Up
Niko Miguel: Oh Yeah!!!
Niko Miguel: Textured Rhythms
Niko Miguel: One more for Patty
Niko Miguel: Elvish Shooter
Niko Miguel: Feelings
Niko Miguel: another face in the crowd