Nik Makepeace: Ground almond
Nik Makepeace: Medium green chilis
Nik Makepeace: Sliced chilis
Nik Makepeace: Chopped chilis
Nik Makepeace: Added chilis
Nik Makepeace: Paprika
Nik Makepeace: Ground cloves
Nik Makepeace: Plain yoghurt
Nik Makepeace: More chili
Nik Makepeace: Make mixture
Nik Makepeace: Work mixture into deep cuts in lamb
Nik Makepeace: Chopped onions
Nik Makepeace: Cumin seeds, mustard seeds, split cardamom pods and cinnamon stick
Nik Makepeace: Add spices to fried onions
Nik Makepeace: Grind in black pepper
Nik Makepeace: Spoon over lamb and cook on very low for 10 hours