Nik Makepeace: Etsuko Yamada-san and Miho Wang-san
Nik Makepeace: Miho at the wedding-Party
Nik Makepeace: Nori at the Christon Café
Nik Makepeace: Christon decor
Nik Makepeace: Christon decor
Nik Makepeace: MC Mayu-chan
Nik Makepeace: Satoko and Tetsuya
Nik Makepeace: Nik, Tetsuya and Satoko
Nik Makepeace: Yamada Tetsuya
Nik Makepeace: Post-wedding-party party
Nik Makepeace: Tetsuya, Etsuko, Miho and Taka-chan
Nik Makepeace: Taka-chan at the after party
Nik Makepeace: Elegant Satoko