The Manic Macrographer: Dolycoris baccarum (Sloe Bug) on Geranium × cantabrigiense Cambridge Geranium
The Manic Macrographer: It's Sloe, not slow..
The Manic Macrographer: Aphid and the droplet....
The Manic Macrographer: At the watering hole...
The Manic Macrographer: Plant hopper portrait...
The Manic Macrographer: I love this sap
The Manic Macrographer: Father and son
The Manic Macrographer: Hiding beneath the Arum.....
The Manic Macrographer: Precipice....
The Manic Macrographer: Aphidius ervi victim......
The Manic Macrographer: A leaf hopper.....
The Manic Macrographer: Intimate Psyllid.....
The Manic Macrographer: Assassin Ascension........
The Manic Macrographer: Notostira elongata ♀
The Manic Macrographer: Liocoris tripustulatus
The Manic Macrographer: Web-whacked
The Manic Macrographer: Frog Hopper Nymph
The Manic Macrographer: Plant Hopper
The Manic Macrographer: Froghopper....
The Manic Macrographer: My chance encounter......
The Manic Macrographer: Immature Stink Bug
The Manic Macrographer: Notostira elongata
The Manic Macrographer: Another lawn lodger....... Dichrooscytus gustavi
The Manic Macrographer: Seriously small.......
The Manic Macrographer: FaceOff.....
The Manic Macrographer: Capsid bug (Deraeocoris ruber)
The Manic Macrographer: Where does the butt begin?
The Manic Macrographer: The adolescent acrobat.......