The Manic Macrographer: Missing Sector Spider (Zygiella x-notata)
The Manic Macrographer: Steatoda Bipunctata
The Manic Macrographer: Jumping Spider
The Manic Macrographer: Jumping spider from above
The Manic Macrographer: Harvestman Arachnid (Opiliones)
The Manic Macrographer: Grass Spider
The Manic Macrographer: Agelenopsis
The Manic Macrographer: Araneus Diadematus (Garden Spider)
The Manic Macrographer: Arachnid copulation (still seeking ID)
The Manic Macrographer: Mouse vs. Wolf - The Big breakfast
The Manic Macrographer: A green orb weaver walks the (clothes) line
The Manic Macrographer: Profile view of a zebra spider
The Manic Macrographer: Check out those eyelashes...
The Manic Macrographer: The acrobat...
The Manic Macrographer: Another aphid bites the dust...
The Manic Macrographer: The cumcumbid cometh.....
The Manic Macrographer: Walnut Orb Weaver (Nuctenea umbratica)
The Manic Macrographer: Enoplognatha ovata(32nz)
The Manic Macrographer: Menacing.......(Tegenaria domestica)
The Manic Macrographer: In wait......
The Manic Macrographer: Lunch on the leaf.....
The Manic Macrographer: Sunbathing spider...
The Manic Macrographer: Sun lounger
The Manic Macrographer: Looking before leaping...
The Manic Macrographer: Crunched up cross.....
The Manic Macrographer: Wearing this season's colours....
The Manic Macrographer: Weaving diva.......HBBBT!
The Manic Macrographer: BBB chewing BBB........HBBBT!
The Manic Macrographer: Stamen strider......
The Manic Macrographer: Silk suspender!