{D}: Lightpost
{D}: throwing snow
{D}: the quarry
{D}: me by the clocktower
{D}: you can see whaleback
{D}: Snow Bank
{D}: Medusa
{D}: Beaver Island 1-20-09
{D}: don't miss the runway
{D}: Icy Great Lake
{D}: Little Travers Bay
{D}: Bear River 1-18-09
{D}: Northern Drive
{D}: Northern Drive
{D}: I Know I Know...
{D}: ICE
{D}: Oh yes, more ice.
{D}: On a walk
{D}: Surrounded by Frozen water
{D}: Evidence of life up here
{D}: Triangles
{D}: That was one big piece of ice
{D}: S U N, S N O W, & a B R I D G E
{D}: Tree on the Straits
{D}: The Lighthouse has a decent view
{D}: Grey Horse
{D}: Where are They Standing
{D}: Tex on the Trail
{D}: McGulpin Lighthouse
{D}: McGulpin Light