Niki Roberts: 27-10-2013 And here is the bling : )
Niki Roberts: Beachy head course map
Niki Roberts: A profile of the route
Niki Roberts: First Hill done
Niki Roberts: Bag pipes
Niki Roberts: What a view
Niki Roberts: What a view
Niki Roberts: 26-10-2013 First pit stop
Niki Roberts: Having a quick break
Niki Roberts: Helen and Karren
Niki Roberts: What views.
Niki Roberts: Caught in the act!
Niki Roberts: No this is what I did it for!!
Niki Roberts: Even a band
Niki Roberts: Tucking in
Niki Roberts: Made it this far
Niki Roberts: 200 in all I am told
Niki Roberts: And more
Niki Roberts: Along the cliffs
Niki Roberts: Nearly to the top of this one
Niki Roberts: And were off again
Niki Roberts: On the cliffs
Niki Roberts: Making there way up
Niki Roberts: They just keep coming
Niki Roberts: And another
Niki Roberts: Nearly to the top
Niki Roberts: At about 18 miles
Niki Roberts: were still going
Niki Roberts: I can see the finish
Niki Roberts: On the way down