nicnikf: tree branches
nicnikf: landscape Massa Marittima
nicnikf: street shadows
nicnikf: landscape in mono
nicnikf: a tree
nicnikf: woman with white hair
nicnikf: dead tree
nicnikf: the couple and the hat
nicnikf: 2 vs 2
nicnikf: life in a cage
nicnikf: Siena 2015
nicnikf: hand by hand
nicnikf: observer
nicnikf: La piazza (del campo)
nicnikf: walk alone
nicnikf: How do you spent your time?
nicnikf: at work.
nicnikf: Give me something fast.
nicnikf: Siena, 2015
nicnikf: crossing
nicnikf: Things left behind
nicnikf: the show must go on
nicnikf: A slice of light. Light is a rarity now. mM
nicnikf: siena, 2015
nicnikf: from shadow to light
nicnikf: Street library