nikcee: Dawn, Dad and Shadow... enjoying the sun
nikcee: Full Circle Farm
nikcee: Dawn with her friends the cows
nikcee: Rad poster in Armstrong
nikcee: Dad really getting into the spirit of his time on the farm
nikcee: (Attempted) Arty shot of Dawn and Randy
nikcee: Farmer Dawn... tending what will soon be the veggie patch
nikcee: Wide open...
nikcee: Typical council worker action. One person working, three watching!
nikcee: Dawn gets her pressure wash on with Randy's tractor
nikcee: Finished each day with a nice glass of wine around the fire (whether it was lit or not)
nikcee: Cathy dives into her first attempt at damper
nikcee: Cathy post bite (maple syrup was used in place of golden syrup)
nikcee: Cooking damper... proper camping style with green sticks
nikcee: Damper cooking was a huge hit
nikcee: Firecooked corn was on the menu one night... it was goooood!
nikcee: Fireside action