nikcee: Baseball!
nikcee: Dawn and Steph catch up, while Ads pulls a wary face
nikcee: Dawn and the mysterious Steph
nikcee: Katie and Steph @ the baseball
nikcee: Part 73 of the 'Adam pulls a face at getting a photo taken' series
nikcee: Lighthouse Point, West Van
nikcee: Adam relaxes (and poses) mid-walk
nikcee: Adam walking back from the Lighthouse, West Van
nikcee: The Pt Cruiser - our vessel for the mission - at Enderby Cliffs.
nikcee: Sandwiches were the call after a day of skating, swimming and thrift shopping
nikcee: Dawn and her mum... awwww
nikcee: Annoyed photo-face #4456, post-skate @ Lumby
nikcee: Coldstream skatepark, Vernon...
nikcee: Great views (there were 2 bears in the woods, but we didnt see them!)
nikcee: Kalamalka Lake and Adam, pre-swim, post Coldstream skate... the water was cold but so fresh!
nikcee: Our favourite swimwear model shows off the hottest in melbourne and east van swim fashions... Kal Lake, Vernon
nikcee: Kalamalka Lake
nikcee: Juniper Point, Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park
nikcee: As we were buying wine for a present for our hosts, Adam spotted some 40s of malt liquor. "I have to get one of those"
nikcee: My post skate/swim snack - veggie bagelwich and a beer
nikcee: Adam with his ever so healthy postr skate and swim snack - a '40' of Old E and some beer nuts
nikcee: Happy Hour!
nikcee: Happy Hour!
nikcee: Me modelling my new cut-off cords and hat with Dawn's new cardigan. It was cold and i couldn't be bothered finding a sweater.
nikcee: Us Cotterell boys...
nikcee: The Randizzle and Dawn talking about something important (probably cardigans!)
nikcee: Adam educating us all about wine
nikcee: Awesome dinner on our last night in town...
nikcee: Yep... I'm dead sexy, cardigan and tie ensemble completing the look.
nikcee: I sat behind the wheel piloting our crew home for a few hours... managed to sneak a few peaks at the landscape when i wasnt keeping a solid eye on the blacktop