timtak: Yasuko and I in our new hats
timtak: Yasuko and I in front of the Icecream Shop
timtak: Menus Have Photographs
timtak: What are the people doing?
timtak: Yasuko Shopping
timtak: Feelin Boxed In
timtak: toolonginfrontofthecomputer
timtak: Scrabble
timtak: Do you Prefer to Stand in the Aisle or Sit Next to Fat Gaijin?
timtak: Yasuko and Hikari
timtak: Me in 1992
timtak: giveupbeer
timtak: Chin Up Less Sag
timtak: A Week of Dieting
timtak: Yasuko making the gesture for "Man" or "Good"
timtak: Yasuko Blurred Laughing
timtak: Yasuko making gesture for "Please"
timtak: Yasuko making gesture for "One More"
timtak: Yasuko making gesture for "lover"
timtak: Fat Tim
timtak: Popeye
timtak: New Career
timtak: 2005-07-31
timtak: Beer Belly Remains
timtak: yasuko7
timtak: Hello
timtak: Turban
timtak: Dog and wood
timtak: Me1
timtak: Me2