3D NigelRigel: gravitional suspension- sterilizer capsule, for little scissors tweezors rings cleaning......
3D NigelRigel: precious mini-collapsator: revolves in time to capture instants not over thirty years back in past or forward in future, you can choose the view...
3D NigelRigel: "wildfreezZ" resistant to any pressure, cold and heat..high altitude - diving
3D NigelRigel: 2nd release "Mop" - new covering, same functionality... - fine leather finished.
3D NigelRigel: first Mini-4d Objects Performer...Mop...(materializer)
3D NigelRigel: low - levitation - robot
3D NigelRigel: Happy and Hibernated! Fresh holydays!
3D NigelRigel: Mount of Thoughts (weak electricity station)
3D NigelRigel: frozen flame & early underwood - two combined vacuum fragrances for men - (be careful when you'll open it...)
3D NigelRigel: smart approach II
3D NigelRigel: smart approach
3D NigelRigel: artifacts laser cleaning
3D NigelRigel: ..found an inscription!!..
3D NigelRigel: auf Mars Oberfläche (on Mars Surface)
3D NigelRigel: passage of "anomalies detector H.O.H.M." (half organic- half mechanic..) after great escape from planet Sandelyon...
3D NigelRigel: Oopart: matter deformer
3D NigelRigel: Oopart: matter deformer
3D NigelRigel: Oopart: matter deformer - muokkaaja materiaali
3D NigelRigel: Oopart: matter modifiers - 改性材料
3D NigelRigel: Oopart: matter modifiers - muokkaaja materiaali
3D NigelRigel: Oopart: matter modifiers - 改性材料
3D NigelRigel: floating-flying sucker-plane
3D NigelRigel: ..children's toy? samples of metals? mysterious device?..
3D NigelRigel: structures on planet Sandelyon, amphibious/terrestrial adaptable to rough terrains, resistant to sandstorms, visible in great distances or mimetic
3D NigelRigel: ...found it in a small shop in New York.., what's that?!...they told me it's an "H2O dispenser"...?!..
3D NigelRigel: ..some coffee?...
3D NigelRigel: furniture from submarine Nautilus...
3D NigelRigel: ...strange object 2nd version..
3D NigelRigel: ...3nd version..