npallan: Chatting with our riders
npallan: Les getting her camera out
npallan: Leslie on the back of scooter
npallan: Sleep almost anywhere
npallan: Young couple in the street
npallan: Where Ho Chi Minh signed Decaration of Independence
npallan: A very good pineapple saleswoman
npallan: Selling pineapples & bananas
npallan: Book & postcard salesman
npallan: The bridge to the temple in downtown
npallan: Dentist!?
npallan: On the streets of Hanoi
npallan: Great food!
npallan: A very happy string saleswoman
npallan: Flowers
npallan: Meat
npallan: Garlic
npallan: Root vegetables
npallan: Chickens on the bike
npallan: Buying crabs
npallan: Very busy road
npallan: Fruit
npallan: Les mopping brow
npallan: Bikes
npallan: Old woman picking out fruit
npallan: Purple onions
npallan: Chillies
npallan: Navigating the traffic is tricky
npallan: Crossing the road
npallan: Baby on bike