Nigel Turner: The Barbican, London
Nigel Turner: The Barbican, London
Nigel Turner: Light & Texture: The Barbican, London
Nigel Turner: The Barbican, London
Nigel Turner: Balcony, The Barbican, London
Nigel Turner: Concrete & Foliage, The Barbican, London
Nigel Turner: The Barbican, London
Nigel Turner: The Barbican, London
Nigel Turner: The Barbican, London
Nigel Turner: The Barbican, London
Nigel Turner: The Barbican, London
Nigel Turner: Palm and Shadow, The Barbican, London
Nigel Turner: Lamp and Shadow, The Barbican, City of London
Nigel Turner: Concrete, Light and Shadow, The Barbican, City of London