nigel.hartley: Jambiani Beach
nigel.hartley: The lovely Kupaga Villas
nigel.hartley: Kupaga Villas Pool
nigel.hartley: Dimorphic Egret
nigel.hartley: Crowned Hornbill
nigel.hartley: East-coast Akalat
nigel.hartley: Another lizard
nigel.hartley: Forest Weaver
nigel.hartley: Senegal Lapwing
nigel.hartley: Zitting Cisticola
nigel.hartley: Sports on the beach
nigel.hartley: Snorkelling trip for Caro and I
nigel.hartley: Snorkelling
nigel.hartley: A fish we saw (not my photo!)
nigel.hartley: Another sunset
nigel.hartley: Can't get enough of the view
nigel.hartley: Flap frog
nigel.hartley: Blue Monkey at Jozani
nigel.hartley: Red Colobus at Jozani
nigel.hartley: Now in Stonetown, view from Seyyida Hotel
nigel.hartley: Stonetown
nigel.hartley: Stonetown, easy to get lost
nigel.hartley: African Palm Swift
nigel.hartley: Farewell dinner with Nicky and Aly