nigel.hartley: Arriving at Murchison Falls after short flight from Bwindi
nigel.hartley: Rothschild's Giraffe
nigel.hartley: Northern Red Bishop
nigel.hartley: Shelley's Rufous Sparrow
nigel.hartley: Defassa Waterbuck
nigel.hartley: Black-billed Wood Dove
nigel.hartley: Ruppell's Griffon Vulture
nigel.hartley: Abysinnian Ground Hornbill
nigel.hartley: Inside the lovely Twiga Lodge
nigel.hartley: Pool at Twiga Lodge
nigel.hartley: Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu
nigel.hartley: Unknown butterfly
nigel.hartley: Kob and Jacksons Hartebeest
nigel.hartley: Heuglin's Spurfowl
nigel.hartley: Lappet-faced Vulture
nigel.hartley: Speckle-fronted Weaver
nigel.hartley: Northern Carmine Bee-eater
nigel.hartley: Black-winged Red Bishop on termite mound
nigel.hartley: Silverbird
nigel.hartley: At top of Murchison Falls with Jude, our guide
nigel.hartley: Memorial at top of Falls
nigel.hartley: Patas Monkey
nigel.hartley: Citrus Swallowtail (Papilio Demodocus)
nigel.hartley: Beautiful Sunbird
nigel.hartley: Nile Crocodile
nigel.hartley: Goliath Heron with baby
nigel.hartley: Black-headed Weaver
nigel.hartley: Vervet Monkey
nigel.hartley: Dawn over Nile
nigel.hartley: African Jacana