nigel.hartley: Ollantaytambo Site
nigel.hartley: At Ollantatambo
nigel.hartley: View from site
nigel.hartley: Streets of Ollantaytambo
nigel.hartley: Llamas at Ollantaytambo
nigel.hartley: Black-backed Grosbeak
nigel.hartley: Black-throated Flowerpiercer
nigel.hartley: Black-tailed Trainbearer
nigel.hartley: Bearded Mountaineer
nigel.hartley: Train to Aguas Calientes
nigel.hartley: Arriving at Inkaterra Hotel
nigel.hartley: Our room at the lovely Inkaterra Hotel
nigel.hartley: Gould's Inca
nigel.hartley: Andean Motmot
nigel.hartley: Saffron-crowned Tanager
nigel.hartley: Silvery Tanager
nigel.hartley: Golden-naped Tanager
nigel.hartley: Blue-naped Chlorophonia
nigel.hartley: Thick-billed Euphonia
nigel.hartley: Blue-necked Tanager
nigel.hartley: Andean Torrent Duck
nigel.hartley: Fasciated Tiger-Heron
nigel.hartley: White-winged Black-Tyrant
nigel.hartley: Machu Picchu
nigel.hartley: Colchito
nigel.hartley: The money shot!
nigel.hartley: And again
nigel.hartley: With our guide
nigel.hartley: With Nettie and Jim
nigel.hartley: Ocellated Piculet