nigel.hartley: Savannah Hawk
nigel.hartley: Vermillion Flycatcher
nigel.hartley: Fork-tailed Flycatcher
nigel.hartley: Red-breasted Blackbird
nigel.hartley: White-naped Xenopsaris
nigel.hartley: Karanambo or Karanambu Lodge
nigel.hartley: Our pad, a lovely spot
nigel.hartley: Dragonfly, to be ID
nigel.hartley: Glittering-throated Emerald
nigel.hartley: White-throated Kingbird
nigel.hartley: White-headed Marsh Tyrant
nigel.hartley: Spotted Puffbird
nigel.hartley: Victoria Lily Pads
nigel.hartley: Giant River Otter
nigel.hartley: Giant River Otter
nigel.hartley: Great Egret
nigel.hartley: Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
nigel.hartley: Spotted Puffbird
nigel.hartley: Late breakfast, always a feast
nigel.hartley: White-bellied Antbird
nigel.hartley: Saki Monkey (stealing mangoes)
nigel.hartley: Many river trips
nigel.hartley: Little Blue Heron (juv)
nigel.hartley: Pale-vented Pigeon
nigel.hartley: Roadside Hawk
nigel.hartley: Double-striped Thicknee
nigel.hartley: Giant Anteater
nigel.hartley: Giant Anteater