nigel.hartley: Welcome to Atta Rainforest Lodge
nigel.hartley: Our room, Atta Lodge
nigel.hartley: Julia Butterfly
nigel.hartley: White Peacock
nigel.hartley: Red-fan Parrot
nigel.hartley: Black Vulture
nigel.hartley: Slightly rickety canopy walkway
nigel.hartley: Howler Monkey
nigel.hartley: White-lipped Peccary
nigel.hartley: Doris Longwing
nigel.hartley: Red-fan Parrot
nigel.hartley: Black Curassow
nigel.hartley: Band-rumped Swift
nigel.hartley: Guianan Toucanet
nigel.hartley: Tiny Tyrant-Manakin
nigel.hartley: Ferruginous-backed Antbird
nigel.hartley: Red-footed Tortoise
nigel.hartley: Guianan Puffbird
nigel.hartley: Blue-cheeked Parrot
nigel.hartley: Crimson-crested Woodpecker
nigel.hartley: Smooth-billed Ani
nigel.hartley: Green-tailed Jacamar
nigel.hartley: Farewell from Etta's ambassador, with John and Wally
nigel.hartley: Queuing to get to the Cock of the Rock lek
nigel.hartley: Somewhat tight transport from lodge to lodge
nigel.hartley: So that's why its called a Cock of the Rock
nigel.hartley: Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock female
nigel.hartley: Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock, male
nigel.hartley: Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock
nigel.hartley: Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock