nigel.hartley: Maquenque Lodge
nigel.hartley: Boat trip to Nicaragua border
nigel.hartley: American Crocodile
nigel.hartley: Snowy Egret
nigel.hartley: Great Blue Heron
nigel.hartley: Bare-throated Tiger Heron
nigel.hartley: Green Iguana
nigel.hartley: Amazon Kingfisher
nigel.hartley: Cattle Egret
nigel.hartley: Nicaraguan Slider
nigel.hartley: We got to Nicaragua!
nigel.hartley: Nicaraguan beer
nigel.hartley: Bar close to Nicaraguan border
nigel.hartley: Scarlet-rumped Tanager
nigel.hartley: Tree House Accommodation
nigel.hartley: Orange-chinned Parakeet
nigel.hartley: Green Heron
nigel.hartley: Collared Aracari
nigel.hartley: Yellow-throated Toucan
nigel.hartley: Black-bellied Whistling Duck
nigel.hartley: Canebrake Wren
nigel.hartley: Olive-crowned Yellowthroat
nigel.hartley: White-ringed Flycatcher'
nigel.hartley: Bronzy Hermit
nigel.hartley: Butterfly sp
nigel.hartley: Dusky-capped Flycatcher
nigel.hartley: Pale-vented Pigeon
nigel.hartley: Poison Dart frog
nigel.hartley: Brown-hooded Parrot
nigel.hartley: Keel-billed Toucan