nigel.hartley: Summer Tanager
nigel.hartley: Koepke's Hermit NR
nigel.hartley: Ruby-spotted Swallowtail
nigel.hartley: White Peacock
nigel.hartley: Orange-barred Sulphur
nigel.hartley: Fork-tailed Woodnymph
nigel.hartley: Golden-headed Manakin
nigel.hartley: Golden-headed Manakin
nigel.hartley: Crazy frog
nigel.hartley: Blue-fronted Lancebill
nigel.hartley: Blue-fronted Lancebill
nigel.hartley: Sapphire-spangled Emerald
nigel.hartley: Tarantula
nigel.hartley: Tropical Screech-Owl
nigel.hartley: Band-bellied Owl
nigel.hartley: Orange-bellied Euphonia
nigel.hartley: Gilded Barbet
nigel.hartley: Swainson's Thrush
nigel.hartley: Mishana Tyrannulet
nigel.hartley: Burrowing Owl, rainy day wink
nigel.hartley: Ringed Kingfisher
nigel.hartley: Wattled Jacana
nigel.hartley: Striated Heron
nigel.hartley: After bogging the bus
nigel.hartley: Thrush-like Wren ,the reason we got bogged
nigel.hartley: After the rain, Abra Patricia Lodge
nigel.hartley: Juan at Arena Blanca
nigel.hartley: Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail
nigel.hartley: Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail
nigel.hartley: Grey-fronted Dove