nigel.hartley: Andes en route, Lima to Cusco
nigel.hartley: Arrival Cusco
nigel.hartley: Andean Flicker
nigel.hartley: Black-winged Stilt
nigel.hartley: Cinnamon Teal
nigel.hartley: Bearded Mountaineer
nigel.hartley: Peru22-2425
nigel.hartley: Ollantaytambo
nigel.hartley: Train passing Inkaterra Hotel
nigel.hartley: Coronet in Inkaterra grounds
nigel.hartley: Bronzy Inca
nigel.hartley: Blue-grey Tanager
nigel.hartley: Blue-necked Tanager
nigel.hartley: Aguas Calientes
nigel.hartley: Andean Torrent-Duck
nigel.hartley: Tropical Kingbird
nigel.hartley: Thick-billed Euphonia
nigel.hartley: Ash-headed Tyrannulet
nigel.hartley: The one and only
nigel.hartley: Walk from Macchu Pichu to Aguas Calientes
nigel.hartley: Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet
nigel.hartley: Blue-capped Tanager
nigel.hartley: Tropical Parula
nigel.hartley: Masked Fruiteater
nigel.hartley: Hepatic Tanager
nigel.hartley: Saffron-crowned Tanager