nigel.hartley: Long-billed Hermit
nigel.hartley: White-bearded Manakin
nigel.hartley: Gartered Trogon
nigel.hartley: Lineated Woodpecker
nigel.hartley: Prothonorary Warbler
nigel.hartley: Bay-breasted Warbler
nigel.hartley: Panama Flycatcher
nigel.hartley: Barred Antshrike
nigel.hartley: Bay-headed Tanager
nigel.hartley: Red-billed Emerald
nigel.hartley: Minca Hotel
nigel.hartley: Lovely tree in Minca
nigel.hartley: Crested Oropendola
nigel.hartley: Swallow Tanager
nigel.hartley: Black-chested Jay
nigel.hartley: Gartered Trogon
nigel.hartley: Common Potoo
nigel.hartley: Crowned Woodnymph
nigel.hartley: Santa-Marta Woodstar
nigel.hartley: Rusty Flowerpiercer
nigel.hartley: White-sided Flowerpiercer
nigel.hartley: Frog after rescue from antswarm
nigel.hartley: Southern Emerald Toucanet (Santa-Marta)
nigel.hartley: Black-throated Tody Tyrant
nigel.hartley: El Dorado Lodge
nigel.hartley: Blue-naped Chlorophonia
nigel.hartley: Bug of the day, Scutigera Coleoptrea
nigel.hartley: Dawn, looking across at Pico Cristobal Colon
nigel.hartley: Black-cheeked Mountain Tanager
nigel.hartley: Top of El Dorado road