National Interagency Fire Center:
Placing LWD from the perspective of the riparian area
National Interagency Fire Center:
Placing LWD from the perspective of the riparian area
National Interagency Fire Center:
Placing LWD from the perspective of the riparian area
National Interagency Fire Center:
Placing LWD from the perspective of the riparian area
National Interagency Fire Center:
successful restoration and retention of remnant natives
National Interagency Fire Center:
successful restoration and retention of remnant natives
National Interagency Fire Center:
Caldor Fire
National Interagency Fire Center:
Robertson Draw Fire
National Interagency Fire Center:
Dry Creek Fire
National Interagency Fire Center:
Dry Creek Fire
National Interagency Fire Center:
Dry Creek Fire
National Interagency Fire Center:
South Rim 4 Fire
National Interagency Fire Center:
South Rim 4 Fire
National Interagency Fire Center:
South Rim 4 Fire
National Interagency Fire Center:
Owens Fire
National Interagency Fire Center:
Flag Fire
National Interagency Fire Center:
Drops Fire
National Interagency Fire Center:
Carr Fire Emergency Stabilization
National Interagency Fire Center:
Carr Fire Emergency Stabilization
National Interagency Fire Center:
Flood Protection
National Interagency Fire Center:
Las Conchas Emergency Stabilization
National Interagency Fire Center:
Las Conchas Emergency Stabilization
National Interagency Fire Center:
Fllod Protection
National Interagency Fire Center:
Fllod Protection
National Interagency Fire Center:
Flood Protection
National Interagency Fire Center:
Ocotillo Fire
National Interagency Fire Center:
Aerial Seeding
National Interagency Fire Center:
Planting Sagebrush
National Interagency Fire Center:
Mulching Project
National Interagency Fire Center:
Aerial Mulching