Phyllanthus amarus Schizocarp Dehiscent Mericarps Dehiscence & Abscission Occurring Between Carpels In The Septa Radius Along Dorsal Line & From The Central Column Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus amarus Phyllanthaceae Solitary Pistillate Flower Capsular Fruit With Persistent 3 Branched Styles With Bifid Stigmas Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus amarus Phyllanthaceae Inflorescences Bisexual Pistillate & Staminate Flowers On Same Local On Lateral Branch Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus amarus Phyllanthaceae Solitary Obovate Tepals Green With Wide White Margins, Bracts Subulate Spreading In Fruit Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus amarus Solitary Pistillate Flower Developing Capsular Fruit With Exserted Branched Style With Bifid Stigmas Sepals Green With Wide White Margins Urban Darwin 01
Phyllanthus amarus Solitary Pistillate Flower Developing Capsular Fruit With Exserted Branched Style With Bifid Stigmas Sepals Green With Wide White Margins Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Developing Pistillate Flower Spherical Ovary, Tuberculate Surface With Conspicuous Raised Scales, Bifid Lobes Ascending & Uncurling At Tip Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Developing Pistillate Flower Disc-Segments Enlarging, Style Branching & Ascending Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Developing Staminate Flower 6 Calyx Sepals Spatulate, Translucent, Midrib Green, Disk Patelliform, 3 Stamens, Connate Halfway Into A Column Urban Darwin 01
Phyllanthus urinaria Developing Pistillate Flower 6 Calyx Sepals Spatulate, Translucent, Midrib Green, Collapsed Anthers Or Staminodes, Style Tri-Lobed Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Developing Staminate Flower Anthers Erect, Longitudinally Dehiscent & Developing Pistillate Flower With Styles Ascending, Bifid, Branches Capitate Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Developing Staminate Flower 6 Calyx Sepals Spatulate, Translucent, Midrib Green, Disk Patelliform, 3 Stamens, Connate Halfway Into A Column Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Developing Staminate Flower, Yellow Papillose Disk Nectaries, Staminal Column With Basifixed Anthers Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Developing Staminate Flower, Yellow Papillose Disk Nectaries, Staminal Column With Basifixed Anthers Urban Darwin 01
Phyllanthus urinaria Developing Staminate Flower Anthers Erect, Longitudinally Dehiscent & Pistillate Flower With Styles Ascending, Bifid, Branches Capitate Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Developing Staminate Flower, Nectary Disk Patelliform, 3 Stamens, Column With Basifixed Anthers With Pollen Sacs Opening Outwards Through Longitudinal Slits Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Lateral Branch Stipules, Leaves Oblong, Mucronate At Obtuse Apex, Rounded Base, Pinnate Venation, Scaberulous Margins Entire & Tinged With Red Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Phyllanthaceae Persistent Sepals, Dried Fruit Schizocarp Post Explosive Seed Dispersal Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Phyllanthaceae Borne Sessile, Fruit Schizocarp, Globose, Scurfy-Tuberculate With Reddish Blotches, Persistent Styles Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Phyllanthaceae Borne Sessile, Fruit Schizocarp, Globose, Scurfy-Tuberculate With Reddish Blotches, Persistent Sepals Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Phyllanthaceae Branchlet With Phyllanthoid Leaves, Almost Sessile, Blades Discolorous, Oblong, Broader Towards The Apex, Base Obtuse, Apex Rounded Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Phyllanthaceae Fruit Schizocarps, Globose, Scurfy-Tuberculate With Reddish Blotches Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Phyllanthaceae Pistillate Flower Developing Fruit Schizocarp, Globose, Scurfy-Tuberculate With Reddish Blotches, Separate Segments Valve Seems Obvious Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Phyllanthaceae Pistillate Flower Fruit Pedicellate, Short Reddish Pedicels, Ariculate Above The Base Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Phyllanthaceae Pistillate Flower Pedicellate Fruit, Stipules, Reddish Pedicels Ariculate Above The Base Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Phyllanthaceae Pistillate Flower White Lobed, Midrib Red, Margin Membranous, Ascending Bifid Style Branches Capitate Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Phyllanthaceae Pistillate Flowers 6 Obovate Tepals Red With Wide White Margins, Bracts Subulate Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Pistillate Developing Flower’s Patelliform Trichomes Continuing Anticlinal Division Forming Cells With Elongating Columnar Shapes, Style Branched, Apex Deeply Bifid Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Pistillate Developing Flowers Disk Segments Cuneate, Fleshy, Papillose, Style Branched Connate At Base, Apex Deeply Bifid, Lobes Divided At Tip Urban Darwin
Phyllanthus urinaria Pistillate Exocarp Maturing Fruit Uniseriate Consisting Of Non-Glandular & Glandular Trichomes & Emergences Possibly Surrounding Segments Derived From Ovary Locules Urban Darwin