Nieminski: Eurema smilax Gilbert's Dragon Lophognathus horneri Often Seen Leaping Off The Sapindaceae Shrub, Possibly It Is Immune To The Toxin & Explains The Disappearing Larvae Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Eurema smilax The Larva's Poisonous Setae May Come From The Host Plant Sapindaceae sp. Which Produce Saponins Or Cyanolipids Which Are Taken Up While Foraging Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Eurema smilax Pieridae Spindle Shaped Egg On Possibly Ganophyllum falcatum Sapindaceae Leaf Adaxial Surface Urban Darwin 01
Nieminski: Eurema smilax Pieridae Larvae Possibly 1st instar Foraging On Ganophyllum falcatum Sapindaceae Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Eurema smilax Pieridae Larvae Foraging On Leaf Adaxial Surface Of Ganophyllum falcatum Sapindaceae Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Eurema smilax Pieridae Spindle Shaped Eggs On Possibly Ganophyllum falcatum Sapindaceae Leaf Adaxial Surface Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Developing Fruit Drupe With Pedicel, Corolla Petals & Stigma Still Persistent Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Flowers With Villous Necatary-Scale, Petal Margin Densely Woolly & Staminal Filaments Hairy At Their Base Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Flowers Small Pedicellate, In Several-Flowered Cymules, Along Simple Raceme-Like Axes, Appearing Paniculate, Cymules Shortly Stalked Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Male Flower With Rounded Dorsifixed Anthers, Splitting With Several Transverse Slits On Its Apex Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Developing Fruit Drupes Along The Raceme Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Inflorescences Axillary Raceme, Polygamous Male Flowers With Bisexual Flowers Occurring Together On The Same Axis Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Leaflets Ovate, Pinnate Venation Usually Membranous, Base & Apex Obtuse With Blade Margins Crenated Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Male Flowers Small Pedicellate, In Several-Flowered Cymules, Along Simple Raceme-Like Axes, Appearing Paniculate, Cymules Shortly Stalked Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Inflorescences Axillary Raceme Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Pistillate & Staminate Flowers Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Sterile Stamens Present In Pistillate Flowers, Male Flowers With Bisexual Flowers Occurring Together On The Same Plant Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Small Dusky-blue Erina erinus Lycaenidae Foraging On Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Male Flower Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Cupaniopsis anacardioides Sapindaceae Anthers Dried & Refolding Before The Flower falls Of The Stem Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Cupaniopsis anacardioides Sapindaceae Flowers Aggregated In Panicles With Pedicellate Inflorescences Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Cupaniopsis anacardioides Sapindaceae Filiform Appendages Adjacent To Filiform Staminal Filaments Emanating From The Hypanthium Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Cupaniopsis anacardioides Sapindaceae Anthers Basifixed In The Cleft, Pilose & Open Lengthwise In The Male Flowers Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Cupaniopsis anacardioides Sapindaceae Inflorescence With An Androecium Of Male-Fertile Flowers, Anthers Basifixed, Dehiscing Via Longitudinal Slits, Introrse With Pollen Grains Present Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Cupaniopsis anacardioides Sapindaceae Pinnate Obovate Leaves Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Cupaniopsis anacardioides Sapindaceae Male Flower With Filiform Appendages Adjacent To Filiform Staminal Filaments Emanating From The Hypanthium Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Cupaniopsis anacardioides Sapindaceae Male Flower With Deflexed Veined Sepaloid Unequal Sepals Of Different Sizes Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Cupaniopsis anacardioides Sapindaceae Developing Male-Fertile Flower, Unfolding Sepaloid Sepals With Emergent Anthers Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Cupaniopsis anacardioides Sapindaceae Leaflet Stalk Swollen At Its Junction With The Compound Leaf Rhachis Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Atalaya variifolia Sapindaceae Inflorescence Panicles With Terminal Flowers In Each Branch Appear To Be Bisexual While The Other Flowers In Each Branch Appear To Be Males Shoal Bay