Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Fruits Obovoid, Narrowed At The Base, Smooth To Slightly Wrinkled, Red Black To Brown When Dry, Somewhat Fleshy & Almost Glabrous When Ripe Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Developing Fruit Drupe With Pedicel, Corolla Petals & Stigma Still Persistent Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Developing Fruit Drupes Along The Raceme Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Flowers Small Pedicellate, In Several-Flowered Cymules, Along Simple Raceme-Like Axes, Appearing Paniculate, Cymules Shortly Stalked Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Flowers With Villous Necatary-Scale, Petal Margin Densely Woolly & Staminal Filaments Hairy At Their Base Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Inflorescences Axillary Raceme Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Inflorescences Axillary Raceme, Polygamous Male Flowers With Bisexual Flowers Occurring Together On The Same Axis Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Leaflets Ovate, Pinnate Venation Usually Membranous, Base & Apex Obtuse With Blade Margins Crenated Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Male Flower With Rounded Dorsifixed Anthers, Splitting With Several Transverse Slits On Its Apex Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Male Flowers Small Pedicellate, In Several-Flowered Cymules, Along Simple Raceme-Like Axes, Appearing Paniculate, Cymules Shortly Stalked Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Pistillate & Staminate Flowers Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Sapindaceae Sterile Stamens Present In Pistillate Flowers, Male Flowers With Bisexual Flowers Occurring Together On The Same Plant Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Allophylus cobbe Spathulate Petal's Conical Surface Densely Pubescent With Appressed & Fascicled Hairs, Densely Woolly Along The Whole Margin Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Argiope picta Araneidae Female Chemically Sensitive Setae On The Mouthparts Possibly Are Tasting & Smelling Organs On Smilax Australis Smilacaceae Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Argiope picta Araneidae Surface Features Of An Insect Body Determine How Much Of A Capture Thread's Potential Adhesion Contributes To Insect Retention Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Argiope picta Thread Adhesion Sensitivity Combines Web Architecture, Capture-Spiral Spacing, Running Speed & Mode Of Prey Immobilization, To Determine How Securely Insects Are Held By A Web Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Anther Dehiscence Facilitating Pollen Release With Some Pollen Already On The Trifid Stigma Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Asparagaceae Dithicous & Dorsifixed Anthers & Syncarpous Compound Ovary & Trifid Stigma Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Asparagaceae Perennial Climber With Axillary & Clustered Inflorescence Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Asparagaceae Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Asparagaceae Striate-Ridged Branches With Cladodes In Fascicles Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Branched Raceme With Axillary Inflorescences Developing After Leaves Reduced To Small Scales Called Cladodes Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Inflorescence Actinomorphic White Recurving Perianth-Lobes, Oblong & Rounded, Stamens Antipetalous, Syncarpous Compound Ovary & Trifid Stigma Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Inflorescences A Many-Flowered Raceme, Triangular Bract & Slender Pedicel With Articulation Towards Its Base Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Racemosus Spreading Perianth-Lobes With Exerted Dithicous Anthers Before Changes To Their Structure & Pollen Release Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Racemosus Spreading Perianth-Lobes With Exerted Dithicous Anthers Before Changes To Their Structure & Pollen Release Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Staminal Filaments Recurve After Inflexing From Adnation At The Perianth Base, Anthers Dorsifixed Dorsally & Medially Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Striate-Ridged Branched Raceme With Leaves Reduced To Small Scales Called Cladodes Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Asparagus Vine Asparagus racemosus Striate-Ridged Branched Raceme With Leaves Reduced To Small Scales Called Cladodes Shoal Bay