Abutilon indicum var. australiense Dried & Persistent Schizocarpic Carcerulus Cocci Each Came From A Single Compartment Which Were Attached In A Ring To A Conical Central Axis Shoal Bay 01
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Dried & Persistent Schizocarpic Carcerulus Cocci Each Came From A Single Compartment Which Were Attached In A Ring To A Conical Central Axis Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Early Afternoon Pre-Staminal Dehiscence Styles Elongated With Elevated Stigmas Preventing Selfing By Complete, Bisexual Inflorescence Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Filiform Style With Cupola-Shaped Capitate Stigma With Adhering Pollen Grains Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Filiform Style With Cupola-Shaped Capitate Stigma With Adhering Pollen Grains, Elevated Above Dorsifixed Anthers Not Yet Dehisced Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Flowing Corolla Lobes, Superior Ovary With Erupting Staminal Column & Clustering Anthers & Stigmas Make An Impressive Inflorescence Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Inflorescence Complete, Bisexual Perennial Coastal Shrub A Lax Panicle Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Inflorescence Lax Panicle With Peduncle, Stipules & Pedicels Shorter Than Subtending Leaves Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Inflorescence Lax Panicle With Peduncle, Stipules, Pedicels Shorter Than Subtending Leaves, Calyx Lobes Folded & Fused Protecting Afternoon Blooming Corolla Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Inside The Synandrium A Villous Ovary, A Stylar Column Formed From Separate Styles Basally Fused But Producing Apical Style Branches Emanating From The Apex Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Inside The Synandrium Tube Multi-branched Filiform Styles Born From The Villous Superior Ovary Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Androphore Bearing Forked Filaments Wuth Dorsifixed Not Versatile Monothecal Anthers Shoal Bay 01
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Androphore Bearing Forked Filaments Wuth Dorsifixed Not Versatile Monothecal Anthers Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Campanulate Calyx Ovate, Lobed & Ribbed With Its Base Connate, Valvate & Acute Apex, Speading At Midday For Afternoon Blooming Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Dense Stellate Trichomes On Synandrium Tube Base Useful For Catching Falling Or Wayward Pollen Grains Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Dorsifixed Monothecal Not Versatile Anthers Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Each Locule Contains Two Ovules On Axile Placentation, Septa Walls Removed Which Divide The Ovary Into Chambers Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Elongated Pedicel, Campanulate Calyx Ovate, Lobed & Ribbed With Its Base Connate & Valvate Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Formicidae Sp. Foraging On Pollen Don’t Protect It From Dieuches Maculicollis Who Damage The Schizocarps To Obtain Nutrients Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Formicidae Sp. Guardians Foraging On The Inflorescence Nectar or Pollen Often Protect The Plant From Other Insect Foragers Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Inside The Synandrium A Villous Superior Ovary Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Leaves Lamina Broadly Ovate, Cordate Base & Apex Gradually Short-Acuminate Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Locule Axile Placentation, Septa Walls Removed Which Divide The Ovary Into Chambers Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Schizocarp With Persistent Synandrium & Drying Anthers Filaments, Styles & Stigmas Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Schizocarpic Carcerulus, Two Carpels, Reniform & Two Seeds Per Mericarp Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Seed Bug Dieuches sp. Possibly D. maculicollis Rhyparochromidae Mating On Schizocarp Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Staminal Filaments Fused To Form A Tube Surrounding The Superior Ovary & Branched Style Shoal Bay
Abutilon indicum var. australiense Malvaceae Today & Yesterday’s Flowers With Blooming Starting In The Afternoon Shoal Bay