Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Day Full Anthesis Keel Opened Exposing Nine Stamens & Style, Infront Of The Standard Petal Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Day Two Indicating Full Anthesis The Keel Opened Exposing Reproductive Stamens & Style, Elevated Infront Of The Standard Petal Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Fabaceae A Woody Perennial Twining Shrub Inflorescence A Compound Raceme Clustered Around The Swollen Nodes Or Nodose Of The Rachis Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Fabaceae A Woody Perennial Twining Shrub, Inflorescence A Compound Raceme Clustered Around The Swollen Nodes Or Nodose Of The Stem Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Fabaceae Nodose Partial Inflorescences With The Pendulum Pattern Of Flower Formation Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Fabaceae Pedicel, Bracteole & Campanulate Calyx Shallowly Lobed Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Fabaceae Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Fabaceae The Alternately Arranged Pinnate Leaves With 5-17 Pairs Of Glabrous Oblong Leaflets with Obtuse Apices Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Fabaceae White Hairs Pubescent On Pedicel Base Deltoid Bracts, Bracteoles Mid-Pedicel & Greenish Younger Stem Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Fertile Dorsifixed Stamens Dehiscing Via Longitudinal Slits With Incurved Style & Capitate Stigma, Wings & Keel Removed Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Fruit Deciduous Legume Apex Recurved & Beaked, Margins Undulate, Opening Along The Sutures Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Inflorescence A Compound Raceme With The Axis Of Each Partial Inflorescence Emerging From A Nodose A Knot-Like Swelling On The Stem Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Mature Deciduous Legume, Androecial Sheath Oblong, Compressed, Apex Recurved & Beaked, Margins Undulate, Opening Along The Sutures Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Ovoid Scarlet Polished Seeds With A Black Spot At The Hilum Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Ovoid Scarlet Polished Seeds, Testa Glossy & Monochrome, Not Adhering To Epicarp Or Endocarp Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius The Axis Of Partial Inflorescences Is Reduced To A Nodose Structure & Flowers Are Formed In A Basipetal Continuum Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius The Nodose With Knot-Like Swellings On The Stem Has Many Extrafloral Nectar-Secreting Glands To Develop A Symbiotic Relationship With Ants Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Thick Hooked Funiculus, Aril Present Covering Less Than Half Of The Seed Amongst Flexible Septa Thin & Tissue Paper-Like Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Twiners Climbing Mechanism Involves The Distal Portion Of Main Shoot Freely Rotating Usually Twining Clock-Wise & Grabbing On To Adjacent Structures Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Two Lateral Bracteoles & Two Lateral Sepals & Adaxial Sepals On The Apex Of The Nodose Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Ventral Suture, Hooked Brown Funiculus, Fleshy White Aril On The Black Spot Of The Ovoid Scarlet Polished Seed Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Ventral Suture, Hooked Brown Funiculus, Seems To Have Two Branches Connected The Aril Shoal Bay 01
Nieminski: Abrus precatorius subsp. precatorius Ventral Suture, Hooked Brown Funiculus, Seems To Have Two Branches Connected The Aril Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Aphid Aphis gossypii Aphididae Feeding On Solanum melongena Solanaceae Urban Darwin 01
Nieminski: Aphid Aphis gossypii Aphididae Feeding On Solanum melongena Solanaceae Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Austracris basalis Acrididae 4th Instar Nymph Previously On Rose Flowers Colour Matched To Leaves Helps Keep It Safe Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Austracris basalis Acrididae 4th Instar Nymph Previously On Rose Flowers Wing Buds Starting To Develop Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Austracris basalis Acrididae 4th Instar Nymph Urban Darwin
Nieminski: Bee Fly Bombyliidae sp. Possibly Ligyra sp. Foraging On Waltheria indica Shrubs Shoal Bay
Nieminski: Blue Flower Wasp Possibly Austroscolia nitida varifrons Foraging On A Waltheria indica Glomerule Or Cluster Of Flowers Shoal Bay